Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
"The Tourist Trap" debuts tonight!
I am heading over to the gallery soon, and can't wait to see what I find. I left it last night at about 11pm, with 2 rooms freshly painted and awaiting the arrival of the creative collaborative Three Headed. Glass and performance artists Charlotte Potter, Kim Harty, and Rika Hawes have been in Jackson all week exploring it as their alter-egos, and as tourists with an insiders perspective. I have seen hints of what's to come...lots of electronic equipment, glass shards that seem to be hotpots frozen in time, a mirrored-glass dodo bird, wigs, beards and moustaches, a top hat, and lots of frozen smiles.
I called Charlotte last night at 11...the show opens tonight, the walls were still bare.
C-Hey Lyns...don't be worried. This is how we work. All-nighters like art school.
L-Oh, I am not worried at all. Me 2 years ago, yes, I might have been a bit freaked out by the blank walls 24hours before a show. But I trust you as artists and I am so glad it's not me pulling the all-nighter!
It's a good thing that Rip van Char has been studying the effects of sleep deprivation!
Hope to see you all tonight!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sam Dowd's Robots on Video
LMC - Sam Dowd Robots from another being creative on Vimeo.
TonyBirkholz, Another Being Creative, created a great photo/video of the evolution of Sam Dowd's ceramic robot installation. I have heard that outside of our little microcosm called Jackson, robots are super hot and hip. From WallE to The Terminator, robots are everywhere. Ah, robots...icons of the future. Streamlined, slick, making our lives oh-so-much-easier. But then, they inevitably spin out of control, become masters of their own electronic minds and begin to take over the world and do-away with their original life-givers, us humans. It's a familiar story over and over again. Sam's robots are different. They feel as though they have been excavated from an Egyptian tomb. They must be manipulated by a human to do anything. And what they are doing are actually useless, mundane jobs. They are a bit sneaky, not quite sure if I trust them in the gallery at night. I keep expecting to walk in and find one off in some mysterious corner on it's own.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
New Music Thursday!
Can you cry on cue?
Annie Clark...aka St. Vincent..."Actor Out of Work"
Friday, May 15, 2009
It's Friday...Meet Sam and the Robots
Who is Sam and what's up with the robots? After work today, grab some wine/ale/coffee, walk a couple of blocks to the gallery from 5-7pm and find out. Since our First Friday opening two weeks ago, the robot world installed in the Make-Out Room has definitely changed and evolved. Come on people...come visit us when it is not First Friday. Where else in Jackson can you meet an amazing artist like Sam Dowd, talk about robots and art, and enjoy creative company? And we either have KHOL rocking in the background, or sometimes a few of our musically inclined friends will stop by for an impromptu music jam. LMC is really even more enjoyable when it is NOT First Friday. You can get up close & personal with the art. You can get me talking about the art, which I don't usually get to do at FF and I really love it, so take advantage of the opportunity.
So Art It Forward...grab a friend, come see the robots, go to the Riot Act or Dancer's Workshop performance, check out the local jewelry at Muse Gallery (I had a special preview last night...gorgeous work!! I LOVE Arcy and Sue!), and then end the evening with dessert and a drink at Trio. Just a thought for your Friday.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
If I Was in NYC Today...
I would definitely go to the Park Avenue Armory to experience the new epic installation by Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto. It was the adjectives used in the NYTimes review by Randy Kennedy that first caught my attention: "curvaceous, diaphanous, voluptuous, lissome. Or, of course, fleshy, glandular, uvular, uterine." I never get an opportunity to even think of those adjectives, let alone experience them through art. I love art that you can really enter and be a part of, both metaphorically and physically, and it looks like this is one of those pieces. One of the coolest things about it...those big, drippy stalagtite things are filled with spices so the whole place smells like curry! I want to run out and get some giant bags of spices for the gallery now.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
First Friday's in SoBo...thanks to all
First Friday's happen because of your participation and support. Thank you to all the Jackson art-lovers who flocked to the hip SoBo/Bro (it's still up for discussion) neighborhood to celebrate art. I couldn't get out of the gallery myself to check out the eastside happenings, but I heard that the Art Associations's soup party and the Teton ArtLab were rocking with all sorts of creative people. I must send a couple of gigantic thanks out to a few of my favorite people who volunteered their time and talents to contribute to the LMC First Friday. Mr. lift me up high with my feet still dancing on the ground!!! Megan and Jesse...pouring tasty libations to the many thirsty souls. And those anonymous folks who brought beer and many thanks to you! Tony, your camera is essential! Cat Caldwell, for getting kids and adults to pARTicipate and create!
Robots This Way
May 1 was the start of our first-ever evolving robot installation. The painTORS are rolling a lovely shade of rust onto the wall.
The construcTORS are doing their part to tear and rip down the wall.
And the cutest of them all, those bug-eyed, charming vacuTORS, are ready and waiting to be called into action.
Follow the process of the robots this month here on our blog. Better yet, grab a cup of coffee at Betty Rock and come check them out in person. Sam Dowd, sculptor and robot manipulator, will be in the gallery every Wednesday from 3-5 and Friday's 5-7pm. Come chat about robots, the challenges of experimental installations, and listen to our community radio station's almost always on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New Favorite Song- 2020 by The Herd
This is from one my favorite sites, BoingBoing. As they point out, its hard not to find yourself dancing by the end of this song, and good, timely, important message in the lyrics and video itself. We all need to start dancing and thinking more! Also, be sure to check out Creative
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Missed the HeeB First Friday?
In case you missed it, Another Being Creative put this video together about our last First Friday. It was a great evening with over 200 people coming out to show their support. Adam from HeeB Magazine said that it was one of the best openings ever of their traveling HeeB Hundred show, and they open in NYC, Dallas, SF, etc. Go Jackson...way to show those city-folk that we know how to support the arts and throw a good party!
Don't miss our next event...local creatives (bring your checkbook for affordable art), Art It Forward basket, music, and a few surprises!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Planet JH: Best Contemporary Art Gallery is Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary
For the first time in Jackson Hole, the Best of results are in. This online voting poll marked the best known secrets (or not so secrets) in the valley. The Planet Jackson Hole put together various categories and allowed readers to vote for their favorites. Topping the charts as the Best Contemporary Art Gallery in Jackson was Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary. LMC was just one of the many winners of this "by the people" poll. The categories ranged from the serious to the silly hitting every topic in between.
In honor of this all important Best Of poll, the Planet Jackson Hole put on a celebratory event at 43 North on Tuesday evening. The party had complimentary food and OB-1 (voted best beer) and people of all ages from all walks of life in the valley were in attendance. It's not very often that you find an orthopedic surgeon and the wait staff from Bubba's in the same room, (at least when the workman's special isn't involved.) As I looked around the room, I saw a lot of familiar faces. I thought to myself, "How lucky am I to live in a place where I recognize so many people?" It is a rarity in the world outside of Jackson, and one we often take for granted. The community center is tight here in Jackson and thank you to the Planet for reminding us all of that.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Bacon: It's Back Where it Belongs
Typical HeeB magazine...they are the ones to lead me to this video about bacon. I have to admit that I have recently been on a bacon kick, but luckily I am staying ahead of the trendy(according to this video) and only having it for breakfast. I have to put part of the blame for this recent addiction on Jackson Whole Grocer because they have the most amazing hormone/antibiotic-free almost-not-greasy bacon ever. The other part of the blame goes to the yummy, disgusting and intruiging bacon article in the NYTimes a month ago. And then maybe it all started way back in September at Erin & Matt's wedding with the "crack" bacon at the bar...bacon oven-roasted for hours in some secret-Oda-recipe that includes maple syrup, brown sugar and cayenne pepper. Mmmmm, bacon.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
HEEB 100 Comes to Jackson
Three days before First Friday and the gallery looks like an art-bomb went off. This always happens...then miraculously (actually through a lot of hard work by Natalie, Tony and myself) it all falls into place Friday at 4:59pm. I love hanging the shows because it is like a giant Sudoku puzzle...ultimately there is one right answer, but many different ways to get there.
March's First Friday is all about Jewish artists and creatives. Our Annex will feature a variety of works by local Jewish artists: EJ Hirschfield, Max Hirshfield, Ralph Mossman, Jamie Dakis, David Gottfried, Anika Youcha, Steven Glass, Shannon Troxler, Laurie Thal, Lia Kass, Gal Bar-or, Morris Weintraub, and Jesse Brown.
The main room is host to photographs and essays from HeeB magazine's 2009 Top 100. Simply put, these are 100 Jewish people you should know about. They are the creatives, intellectuals, fashionistas, foodies and musicians who are influencing today's modern culture. The photos are striking and telling of intriguing stories. I found them all to be very inspiring.
HeeB is a Jewish magazine based out of Brooklyn, NY, aimed at young intellectual Jews. The name of the magazine is a variation of the anti-Semitic ethnic slur 'hebe'. However, in this case, the word "heeb" seeks to function as empowerment for the Jewish community, thus eliminating the hatred associated with the word. The magazine is certainly anti-establishment and left-wing, and frequently criticizes mainstream American Jewish culture. It has been strange for me to be a non-Jew throwing the word "HeeB" out there on a regular basis, as it is not a word that is typically on my radar screen at all. It makes me uncomfortable, which is part of the point. I was talking about that with a Jewish friend, and she jokingly (although not really) said "Yeah, we can make fun of ourselves but don't you!" Oh, I would never try to go there.
I am sure that this show will spark many interesting comments and conversations. Let me know what you think. Hope to see you this Friday.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Teton Art Lab prints Obama
Here is another video from last week's First Friday event. This one was shot in the Lab-room. Show's you again just how much was happening and all the creative energy being generated that night. And they picked my favorite band!
LMC Obama Print Session from Tristan Greszko on Vimeo.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
In Case You Missed February First Friday...
Thanks Tony! Another Being Creative just produced our February First Friday video, giving everyone a chance to see what it was all about. I love having a chance to relive the evening because it was a bit of a blur to me. Enjoy! Hopefully it will motivate you to make it to our next event...March 6.
LMC - Art It Forward (round 1) from another being creative on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sanjayan Walks the Namib Desert
Journey with Sanjayan to the Namib desert from another being creative on Vimeo.
The Nature Conservancy recently hosted a board meeting here at the gallery. For the second year in a row, their leading scientist M.A. Sanjayan joined us and offered a glimpse into the driest place on earth. Sanjayan is one of these gifted individuals who can relay scientific information to the masses in a way that is both engaging and understandable. That is probably why he was invited to give a Ted Talk this year.
Click here to read An Egg is an Egg.
Stephen Colbert Weighs in on the Shepard Fairey Incident
Even Stephen Colbert is into art these days. Of course he is always entertaining and funny, and this clip certainly does not disappoint from that stand-point. But this is also a really good little debate about art and copyright issues. I will be following up with a bit more info about the Shepard Fairey arrest and what it might all be about.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Lyndsay's Interview
On February 3rd, Lyndsay met with Jackson's Pursue Balance for their Lights Off! radio show on KHOL. Lyndsay was highlighting her green initiatives for the gallery and the community.
To listen to the radio broadcast, follow the link below. It is also available on iTunes.
Lights Off! Radio show on KHOL
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Many Thanks...
As Natalie said below, First Friday was a great success! I couldn't believe our Art It Forward many amazing donations came from all sorts of artists. I hope that I don't forget anyone here: Jenny and Sam Dowd provided about 40 sculptures which we handed out as art/drink cups (cut our waste production down tremendously!), Steven Glass, Carrie Geraci, Arcy Hawks, Susan Thulin, Rich Goodwin, Alissa Davies, Rachel Kunkle-Hartz, David Gonzales, Matt Flint, Megan Stohridal, Jeremy Kusmin, Tom Woodhouse, Emily Boespflug, Ben Roth, Bryce Billings, Wendell Field, Babs Case, Emma Adkissson, Micah Richardson, Nicole Burdick, Ben Carlson, Brooke Kemmerer. DJ Mr Whipple must have handed out 50 awesome music mixes. Tony Birkholz's video installation added a whole other artistic element to the walls. Tristan and Travis from the Teton Art Lab were excellent partners for the night...creating Obama prints and encouraging participation. Anomaly Farm stars Mark Dunstan and Owen Ashley were handing out impromptu pocket-art pieces too. Clint Green was printing away and actively getting people involved in the community canvas.
Loved the public art petting zoo that Bland Hoke set up as the Center of Wonder's Public Art Ambassador. Juliet and Sarah were there from Pursue Balance enlightening everyone about the 10x10 initiative. Mareike and Tyler from Teton Literacy Program served up drinks and info about their fundraiser out at the village in March. Shannon from the Planet had a voting booth set up and was letting everyone know about their "Best of Jackson".
Thank you to all of our gallery-goers who were so enthusiastic about participating in the whole art experience. We will get photos up soon of the community canvas that was created. We are all looking forward to more events like this in the future.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Saturday after the First Friday
I hardly ever blog. In fact, I only blog when something really cool happens, (for example, my only other blog was about Barack Obama's election night). Last night's event at the gallery inspired me to sit down at work today and write.
The First Friday at LMC last night was truly incredible. As Lyndsay wrote below, we had a huge community event as a way to Art It Forward in these tough economic times. Although I'm always proud to work for Lyndsay, last night I felt that pride more than ever. Lyndsay has pushed the envelope of Jackson's art scene and constantly puts the arts community before her personal priorities. It has been an exhausting week, from squeezing in last minute art entries to the reorganizing and hanging of the entire gallery, but all those efforts were more than worth the outcome.
If I had to pick one word to describe the would be ENERGY. The gallery was bumping with art enthusiasts starting at 5:30. We had an early rush and people were so excited to take home their piece of free art (and promised me to art it forward!). I can say with 100% certainty that everyone who came by last night left with an authentic art experience. The community canvas far exceeded our expectations. It's amazing how each canvas can stand alone as a cohesive piece, considering there were probably 150 pARTicipants. What impressed me the most though was the immense variety of artistic efforts. Tony (another being creative) put together a video projection installation that somehow, through no effort at all, mirrored perfectly with DJ Mr. Whipple's turntables. The gallery was abuzz with the Teton Art Lab “guerrilla”/alternative space, as well as the huge guerilla painting hanging in the main gallery. Bland Hoke from the Center of Wonder had a public art petting zoo which provided an opportunity to discuss and eventually wear public art. Apparently, wearing a duck as a necklace is a great way to start conversations with strangers, (or so I hear).
Everyone was so excited to be involved and a part of something. I had dozens of people approach me thanking me for opening the gallery up to so many local artists. I replied with excitement and told them that Lyndsay was the mastermind behind the operation. Her ability to stretch the boundaries of creativity is beyond admirable. And on the other side of that coin, the artistic energy of this valley is so inspiring and refreshing. Each participant added their own flair of art to the gallery and for that energy, I think we should all be thankful. (If you took photos, don’t forget to send them to me so I can get them up on our blog!
So here I am at work, the Saturday after the First Friday. Usually this day consists of cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. I was semi dreading going into the gallery this morning but was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. Save for the coat rack catastrophe and a plethora of hangers thrown around the gallery, it was remarkably clean. Even though we use corn-based cups, we had encouraged people to BYOC (bring your own cup) to limit the amount of trash that accumulates. I was shocked by the amount of people that came to the event with a cup in hand. I only had to empty 1/3 of the trash that I normally do, which excited me beyond belief. I look forward to less trash bags in the future!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
February 6 First Friday event
It's First Friday time already and we are madly trying to get the gallery ready. The evening has evolved over the last month from an Inaugural Ball to Throw-Your-Shoe at Bush art-interaction to the one that stuck: pARTicipate for change. It will incorporate a public art canvas, local artists' work and installations, free art, a public-art petting zoo and the opportunity to sponsor Lyndsay to "Ski the Vill" to raise money for the Teton Literacy Program.
One of the things that is making this First Friday unique from the previous 27 we have hosted , is the responses that it has inspired before even happening. For example, the Art It Forward program has already started to self-generate. We asked our artists to send in and donate small works of art to put into an art basket and then given out free to everyone who attends First Friday. (many reasons that we are giving away free art, but I think I will address them in a separate blog) The response has been nothing but enthusiastic and infective. Matt Flint was so inspired by the idea and gesture that he is offering free art through his blog (if you need a little art in your life, send him a SASE and you will receive a special nugget of art!). Rachel Kunkle-Hartz brought in a huge jar of matchbox sculptures which are emanating inspiration, she was too, by the way. The uber-talented and creative Dowds have provided us with a ton of sculptural beverage containers...perfect for sipping wine at an art event! And the free art just keeps pouring in! I raided my photo drawer and sketchbooks to create mini-art pieces. It's the most creative I have been in a long time.
The other exciting facet of this project is the energy it is generating. There has been a steady flow of artists and visitors and supporters through the gallery all week. It has given me the opportunity to meet new artists and to finally put faces to names and art. I have had a multitude of inspiring conversations about art and the concepts of participation and change. I can't wait to see how this all flows and multiplies when all these creatives are gathered together on Friday.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Best Christmas present!
I love those presents that are completely unexpected and absolutely perfect! That happened to me today when I got to the gallery and saw a box on my desk. Then I looked closely and realized that it was actually for Natalie. Sad, I immediately started pouting and feeling sorry for myself because I never get presents at work. (Natalie actually really deserved it because she just had knee surgery!) Then she came bopping in and handed me the box exclaiming "happy late christmas!" Really, for me?!?!
Inside was a box from TOMS...Shoes for a Better Tomorrow! How did she know? Has she been looking over my shoulder while I 'work'? These are the super cool vegan-friendly black boots that I have been dying to get for myself...and the best part is that when you buy a pair, they donate a pair to a child in need. They plan on giving away over 200,000 pairs of shoes this year! You can be sure that we will be having a Style Your Sole party someday at the gallery.
KHOL- My Favorite Radio!
It's no secret...I'm a huge fan of KHOL, 89.1. Pass me in my mini-van on Monday morning during Cutter's show and you will certainly catch me car dancing. Stop by the gallery most days and you can experience the joy of community radio with us. (I am considering a 'monday morning caffeine and Cutter dance-session' there) I was sad to have missed the first fundraising dance-party of the winter at the Playhouse a couple of weeks ago, but here is a video by Another Being Creative that came out of it. The next one happens February 20.
Jackson Hole Community Radio - KHOL fundraisers from another being creative on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
New Music Saturday
I think this will be a new routine...New Music Saturday. This is what I found today after checking out the calender of The Independent in San Francisco. I have noticed that tickets are pretty cheap these days and I am dying to get to SF for lots of reasons...these guys being one of them. It's a little campy, but good for bopping along on a snowy Saturday afternoon.
Fujiya and Miyagi - Knickerbocker
Monday, January 12, 2009
When it's super cold...make art!
If you live here in Jackson, you know how cold it can get sometimes. -30f is pretty extreme for most people in this world. But some hearty artists in Jackson get inspired and actually venture outside during these cold spells to create art. Bland Hoke is the Center of Wonder's Ambassador of Public Art and he is responsible for the plethora of free public art that is sprouting up all over the valley for everyone's enjoyment. Add Ben Roth, Tony Birkholz and a few others into the mix with super cold weather and badly insulated buildings and you get amazing sculptures in front of my gallery. I loved coming to work the next day and seeing the spikey gas tank out front. Unfortunately, like Frosty, the artwork itself was made of the elements, thus it reacted to the sun and has slowly melted away into a few lonely stalagmites out front. I have a feeling that we will be experiencing a lot more of these impromptu, public art pieces. So if you missed it this time, keep your eyes open and enjoy!
30 Below 0, Impromptu Ice Sculpture from another being creative on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
If I can brag a little...I am "Essential"
To follow-up a little about the article's the January issue of Southwest Art magazine, their Essential Guide to 2009. I am thrilled to be a part of this issue, especially since they focused on highlighting my sustainable, green vision for the gallery. It would have been easy, and typical, for them for talk about the amazing artists that I represent. The fact that they were interested in the sustainable things that I am striving towards is a great sign to me that we are doing the right thing, going in the right direction, and that it is being embraced by the mainstream, larger audience. Yay!! How exciting. This bit of press is definitely pushing me to solidify our sustainable business plan and make it stronger, better and more obvious. I am enlisting the help of many supportive experts in the valley to offer their thoughts on what I could do differently and better. I look forward to the continuing evolution of this adventure.
Now I have to share my 6-year olds' reaction to my being in a magazine...
"Mom! You're like, a mom...with three kids...who's in a magazine and famous! You're like a supermodel!"
Gotta love a child's view of the world...I'm a supermodel in someone's eyes!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Southwest Art Magazine: Lyndsay McCandless is the art person to know in 2009
Green is the New Black:
Everyone knows that black is the de rigueur among the toniest of art crowds. But for Jackson Hole gallery owner Lyndsay McCandless, green is the new black. Recently, McCandless decided being green was not only hip but also vitally important to the planet. Today, her self-imposed mission is all about sustainability, from the artists she represents to the drinking cups she uses as events. "I decided to use my place of business as a potential example to the community," she says.
With an emphasis on recycling, no cardboard box or Styrofoam peanut goes to waste at Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary ( Shipping crates are used as pedestals to display art. The rest of the gallery is decorated with used furniture from a Habitat for Humanity store. At events, McCandless serves beer from the local Snake River Brewing Company and wine from eco-friendly wineries like French Rabbit, which sells its product in 100% recyclable packages. McCandless encourages clients to bring their own cups, and for those who don't, she provides compostable corn-based cups. Invitations, of course, are printed on 100% recycled paper, and like many other gallery owners, she is currently encouraging clients to choose email invitations instead.
As if that's not enough, McCandess also offers her gallery space, located in a former engine repair show, to non-profit organizations free of charge. Arts performances as well as meetings on everything from women's iniatives to conservation issues take place at the gallery. For taking such a global perspective on her role in the community, McCandless wom the Cultural Council of Jackson Hole's 2008 Award for Creativity. On your next trip to
Monday, January 5, 2009
Gross National Happiness...First Friday art talk
In case you missed our January First Friday event, here is a taste of what went on. We had an amazing gathering of people here, even though the weather was absolutely horrible that night. Thank you all for your support!
LMC presents: Ann Muller & Gross National Happiness from another being creative on Vimeo.