Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Missed the HeeB First Friday?

In case you missed it, Another Being Creative put this video together about our last First Friday. It was a great evening with over 200 people coming out to show their support. Adam from HeeB Magazine said that it was one of the best openings ever of their traveling HeeB Hundred show, and they open in NYC, Dallas, SF, etc. Go Jackson...way to show those city-folk that we know how to support the arts and throw a good party!
Don't miss our next event...local creatives (bring your checkbook for affordable art), Art It Forward basket, music, and a few surprises!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Planet JH: Best Contemporary Art Gallery is Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary

For the first time in Jackson Hole, the Best of results are in. This online voting poll marked the best known secrets (or not so secrets) in the valley. The Planet Jackson Hole put together various categories and allowed readers to vote for their favorites. Topping the charts as the Best Contemporary Art Gallery in Jackson was Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary. LMC was just one of the many winners of this "by the people" poll. The categories ranged from the serious to the silly hitting every topic in between.

In honor of this all important Best Of poll, the Planet Jackson Hole put on a celebratory event at 43 North on Tuesday evening. The party had complimentary food and OB-1 (voted best beer) and people of all ages from all walks of life in the valley were in attendance. It's not very often that you find an orthopedic surgeon and the wait staff from Bubba's in the same room, (at least when the workman's special isn't involved.) As I looked around the room, I saw a lot of familiar faces. I thought to myself, "How lucky am I to live in a place where I recognize so many people?" It is a rarity in the world outside of Jackson, and one we often take for granted. The community center is tight here in Jackson and thank you to the Planet for reminding us all of that.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bacon: It's Back Where it Belongs

Typical HeeB magazine...they are the ones to lead me to this video about bacon. I have to admit that I have recently been on a bacon kick, but luckily I am staying ahead of the trendy(according to this video) and only having it for breakfast. I have to put part of the blame for this recent addiction on Jackson Whole Grocer because they have the most amazing hormone/antibiotic-free almost-not-greasy bacon ever. The other part of the blame goes to the yummy, disgusting and intruiging bacon article in the NYTimes a month ago. And then maybe it all started way back in September at Erin & Matt's wedding with the "crack" bacon at the bar...bacon oven-roasted for hours in some secret-Oda-recipe that includes maple syrup, brown sugar and cayenne pepper. Mmmmm, bacon.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

HEEB 100 Comes to Jackson

Three days before First Friday and the gallery looks like an art-bomb went off. This always happens...then miraculously (actually through a lot of hard work by Natalie, Tony and myself) it all falls into place Friday at 4:59pm. I love hanging the shows because it is like a giant Sudoku puzzle...ultimately there is one right answer, but many different ways to get there.

March's First Friday is all about Jewish artists and creatives. Our Annex will feature a variety of works by local Jewish artists: EJ Hirschfield, Max Hirshfield, Ralph Mossman, Jamie Dakis, David Gottfried, Anika Youcha, Steven Glass, Shannon Troxler, Laurie Thal, Lia Kass, Gal Bar-or, Morris Weintraub, and Jesse Brown.

The main room is host to photographs and essays from HeeB magazine's 2009 Top 100. Simply put, these are 100 Jewish people you should know about. They are the creatives, intellectuals, fashionistas, foodies and musicians who are influencing today's modern culture. The photos are striking and telling of intriguing stories. I found them all to be very inspiring.

HeeB is a Jewish magazine based out of Brooklyn, NY, aimed at young intellectual Jews. The name of the magazine is a variation of the anti-Semitic ethnic slur 'hebe'. However, in this case, the word "heeb" seeks to function as empowerment for the Jewish community, thus eliminating the hatred associated with the word. The magazine is certainly anti-establishment and left-wing, and frequently criticizes mainstream American Jewish culture. It has been strange for me to be a non-Jew throwing the word "HeeB" out there on a regular basis, as it is not a word that is typically on my radar screen at all. It makes me uncomfortable, which is part of the point. I was talking about that with a Jewish friend, and she jokingly (although not really) said "Yeah, we can make fun of ourselves but don't you!" Oh, I would never try to go there.

I am sure that this show will spark many interesting comments and conversations. Let me know what you think. Hope to see you this Friday.