Saturday, October 18, 2008

Missing Raven...Looks Like Black Cat

Just got off The Snaz and noticed that they are missing a black cat. Well, there must be a gang of black cats hiding out somewhere in East Jackson wreaking havoc because mine went missing last week in the Gill Addition. Raven, black cat with long, white tufts coming out of his ears. Answers to "Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty" (although you have to get the right nuances to that call) and sometimes makes bird noises. Really, he imitates bird sounds to lure them closer, then actually works for him. He's also known for his insane ninja-actions and chasing his own tail like a wire-walker on the beams in my house. Let me know if you see him anywhere.

Speaking of wire-walking, I saw the movie Man On Wire last night. I missed it on it's first round in Jackson last summer and heard so many people talking about what a fabulous movie it was that I made sure to get my favorite seat in the theater this time. SO glad I did! What a fantastic story about dreams and walking the line between fully living and being as close to dying as you could possibly be. GO SEE IT!!

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